Full dentures
Are provided when an individual has no teeth left. Typically, a set of full dentures takes 4 or 5 appointments to make properly.
A series of impressions are taken to ensure the best possible fit. Also we have a separate appointment for a “try-in.” This is a visit where a practice plate is made with the teeth set in wax. This enables us to see what the finished result will be like. We can fine tune tooth shape, size and orientation so that you will be happy with the final appearance.
New plates almost always come with some sore spots in the first few weeks. We pride ourselves on excellent follow up care and we will always be available to help with any issues that may occur.
Patient 1 – Before/After Full Upper Dentures
Immediate dentures:
These are made when an individual is having all of their remaining teeth removed.
This can be a difficult time for patients who are facing the final loss of all of their teeth.
At Lucas Dental we have Dr Mat Dawson, who is very experienced with these types of cases and can help through every stage of the process.
Experience tells us that an individual who is facing imminent loss of all their teeth will cope much better with this transition if it occurs prior to turning 50 years of age.
After this age a patient’s ability to transition well will slowly start to decrease.
Importantly, the plates are made prior to the teeth coming out, so that there is never a time when you will be without any teeth.
Again, follow up care is vital with immediate dentures, and we will keep a close eye on the patient who has had all their teeth out for many weeks.
Partial Plates:
These are fabricated when there has been loss of a significant number of teeth.
There are three types of partial plates available:
Acrylic Plates
These are the least expensive type of plates and can be easily added to or repaired if more teeth are expected to be lost. They are held in by little clips/wires and are supported by the gums.
Chrome Framed Plates
These are the best type of partial plate. The fabrication process is a very accurate metal casting, which produces a very stable, retentive and accurate fitting plate.
No more metal is visible than compared to the acrylic plate.
They are the smallest type which means patients are less aware that they are wearing them. These plates are supported by the teeth as well as the gums which means far less movement and irritation to the gums.
Thermoplastic Plates
These are generally used when only a couple of teeth are missing. The thermoplastic material enables us to make a plate which only sits only in the area the teeth are missing. These types of plates also have no metal at all.